HomeFinancial Advisor7 Tips For Financial Advisors To Create Helpful Content

7 Tips For Financial Advisors To Create Helpful Content

Nowadays, people are more interested in content that is helpful and informative as opposed to content that is sales-driven.

If you’re a financial advisor, this means that your content must focus on providing valuable insights and advice that can help your readers make better decisions with their money, instead of just trying to sell them on you.

While you may already have a well-designed website, and a clear value proposition, your content is what will set you apart from the competition.

It’ll be the most vital tool in your marketing strategy as it can establish you as an expert in your field, build trust with potential clients, and help them make better financial decisions.

Different Types of Content

Before we get into the tips, let’s first look at the different types of content you can create as a financial advisor. There are three main categories:

  1. Educational Content: This type of content provides vital data that can guide your prospects in making informed financial decisions. You can craft this through blog posts, articles, infographics, or videos.
  2. Newsjacking Content: This means piggybacking off of current events or news stories relevant to your industry. For example, if a new tax law is passed, you can write an article or create a video explaining how it will impact your readers’ finances.
  3. Promotional Content: As the name suggests, this content promotes your financial advisory business through website banner ads, social media posts, or email newsletters. You can also include case studies, testimonials, or even simple blog posts discussing your company’s philosophy and mission.

However, keep in mind that the goal is to create helpful and informative content, so make sure that the majority of your content falls into the first two categories.

With that said, let’s get into the tips!


1. Find New Angles

You can easily fall into the trap of repeatedly writing about the same topics. But if you want people to keep reading your content, you must find new angles and perspectives that offer fresh insights.

One way to do this is to focus on specific niche topics relevant to your target audience.

For instance, instead of writing about general “retirement planning,” you could create content on “the best retirement plan for firefighters.”

Another way to find new angles is to look at the same topics from different perspectives, such as writing about “the benefits of saving money” from the perspective of a young person just starting in their career and someone nearing retirement.

2. Use Visuals

People are visual creatures and are more likely to remember information that is presented to them in a visually-appealing way.

Whenever possible, include infographics, charts, graphs, videos, or even images in your content.

Not only will visuals make your content more attractive and engaging, but they will also make it more shareable.

This is because people are more likely to share an infographic or image than a long blog post, helping your content reach a wider audience.

3. Write Compelling Headlines

You only have a few seconds to capture someone’s attention while scrolling through their social media feed or browsing the internet.

So, you must write compelling headlines that make people want to click on your content.

A great headline is clear, concise, and to the point.

You must use attention-grabbing and powerful words that drive emotion.

For example, instead of “Five Tips on Managing Business Expenses,” you could write “Five Tips to Save Money on Business Expenses.”

Feel free to experiment with your headlines until you find something that works. And if you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, several headline generators online can help you.

4. Tell Stories

People love stories, asthey’re more relatable and engaging.

When writing a blog post or making video content, try including personal anecdotes or case studies.

For instance, you can write stories about your own experience with financial literacy or clients’ success stories to show how you’ve helped them achieve their financial goals.

Either way, stories are a great way to connect with your readers on a personal level and help them see that you’re more than just another financial advisor.

You’re someone who has real-world experience and who genuinely cares about helping people succeed.

5. Use Data and Statistics

People are more likely to trust your content if data and statistics back it up.

Therefore, you must include data and statistics in your pieces of content to make them more trustworthy and persuasive.

However, don’t go overboard, as too much data can make your content dry and boring.

In addition, ensure that you’re sourcing reputable sites.

If you’re quoting someone else, include a link to their original article to build relationships with other thought leaders in your industry.

6. Keep It Simple

Almost everyone often gets overwhelmed and tunes out when they see too many numbers or hear too much jargon.

One of the most important things you can do is to keep your content simple and easy to understand.

Write short, concise sentences and use layman’s terms. But if you need to use industry jargon, like spend management or wealth management, explain its meaning using simple terms.

Remember, you’re writing for a general audience, not other financial advisors. So, don’t try to impress them with your knowledge of the latest financial acronyms or investment products.

Instead, just focus on delivering valuable information in a way that is easy for your target audience to understand.

7. Write In A Friendly Tone

Another tip for your article content creation is to use a friendly and personable tone.

You should avoid sounding too formal, pushy, or stuffy.

Rather, inject some personality into your writing and make sure that your tone is consistent across all of your content.

This will help you build a stronger relationship with your readers and make them more likely to come back for more helpful advice in the future.

Of course, you still need to maintain professionalism, so avoid using profanity or making any personal attacks.

Keep things light and friendly while still providing valuable information.

Tying It All Together

Creating helpful content requires effort, research, and dedication, but it’s worth it when you see your target audience engaging with your content and sharing it with their friends and followers.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating content that will resonate with your target audience, position yourself as a thought leader, and help you build deeper connections with clients and prospects.



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